




Stargaze gained sudden popularity among the degens. As a result, there was a sudden surge in the number of new NFT collections being launched on the platform each week. Because of this, I had to intervene and implement changes to improve the way users discover all the new collections that were being launched.

The goal was to create a stage for new NFTs to show off about their collections and get more users to mint them. The outcome of the improvement was an 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × co-founder
1 × product designer
2 × engineers





Stargaze gained sudden popularity among the degens. As a result, there was a sudden surge in the number of new NFT collections being launched on the platform each week. Because of this, I had to intervene and implement changes to improve the way users discover all the new collections that were being launched.

The goal was to create a stage for new NFTs to show off about their collections and get more users to mint them. The outcome of the improvement was an 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × co-founder
1 × product designer
2 × engineers





Stargaze gained sudden popularity among the degens. As a result, there was a sudden surge in the number of new NFT collections being launched on the platform each week. Because of this, I had to intervene and implement changes to improve the way users discover all the new collections that were being launched.

The goal was to create a stage for new NFTs to show off about their collections and get more users to mint them. The outcome of the improvement was an 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints.

My contribution

Product strategy
User research
Product design

The team

1 × co-founder
1 × product designer
2 × engineers



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How might we bring focus to newly launched NFT collections in the marketplace and increase their discoverability?

I interviewed 10 users and conducted 40 survey responses from Stargaze and non Stargaze users, and NFT v.s Non-NFT holders who owns NFT from 1 to 50+ collections and monthly investment from $10 to $1 million USD. I studied discussions on Reddit, Twitter and Discord. I conducted focus groups on discord and twitter. The goal of this research was to narrow down answers to two key questions:

  • Where do they discover new NFTs?

  • How can we make it easier to be part of projects early?

  • What kind of features can help users with a better discoverability of NFT collections?

How might we bring focus to newly launched NFT collections in the marketplace and increase their discoverability?

I interviewed 10 users and conducted 40 survey responses from Stargaze and non Stargaze users, and NFT v.s Non-NFT holders who owns NFT from 1 to 50+ collections and monthly investment from $10 to $1 million USD. I studied discussions on Reddit, Twitter and Discord. I conducted focus groups on discord and twitter. The goal of this research was to narrow down answers to two key questions:

  • Where do they discover new NFTs?

  • How can we make it easier to be part of projects early?

  • What kind of features can help users with a better discoverability of NFT collections?

How might we bring focus to newly launched NFT collections in the marketplace and increase their discoverability?

I interviewed 10 users and conducted 40 survey responses from Stargaze and non Stargaze users, and NFT v.s Non-NFT holders who owns NFT from 1 to 50+ collections and monthly investment from $10 to $1 million USD. I studied discussions on Reddit, Twitter and Discord. I conducted focus groups on discord and twitter. The goal of this research was to narrow down answers to two key questions:

  • Where do they discover new NFTs?

  • How can we make it easier to be part of projects early?

  • What kind of features can help users with a better discoverability of NFT collections?

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Understand, Explore, Materialise

I noted significant usability issues in the current design based on user feedback. Users face difficulties while navigating pages, interacting with NFT cards, using filters, and understanding search results. These issues lead to a suboptimal user experience, resulting in reduced satisfaction and a higher likelihood of users leaving the platform. This information guides my design decisions and improvements.

In terms of market trends and competitive analysis, I thoroughly evaluated 10 prominent rivals, including Rarible, Niftygateway, OpenSea, LOOKSRARE, and Magic Eden. Comparing competitors helped me identify common features and CTAs, which provided insight into user expectations and allowed us to differentiate ourselves.

I regularly engage a group of 'Superstars' for monthly usability tests. Observing, recording, and analyzing their behaviour and feedback helps me gain a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences.

Understand, Explore, Materialise

I noted significant usability issues in the current design based on user feedback. Users face difficulties while navigating pages, interacting with NFT cards, using filters, and understanding search results. These issues lead to a suboptimal user experience, resulting in reduced satisfaction and a higher likelihood of users leaving the platform. This information guides my design decisions and improvements.

In terms of market trends and competitive analysis, I thoroughly evaluated 10 prominent rivals, including Rarible, Niftygateway, OpenSea, LOOKSRARE, and Magic Eden. Comparing competitors helped me identify common features and CTAs, which provided insight into user expectations and allowed us to differentiate ourselves.

I regularly engage a group of 'Superstars' for monthly usability tests. Observing, recording, and analyzing their behaviour and feedback helps me gain a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences.

Understand, Explore, Materialise

I noted significant usability issues in the current design based on user feedback. Users face difficulties while navigating pages, interacting with NFT cards, using filters, and understanding search results. These issues lead to a suboptimal user experience, resulting in reduced satisfaction and a higher likelihood of users leaving the platform. This information guides my design decisions and improvements.

In terms of market trends and competitive analysis, I thoroughly evaluated 10 prominent rivals, including Rarible, Niftygateway, OpenSea, LOOKSRARE, and Magic Eden. Comparing competitors helped me identify common features and CTAs, which provided insight into user expectations and allowed us to differentiate ourselves.

I regularly engage a group of 'Superstars' for monthly usability tests. Observing, recording, and analyzing their behaviour and feedback helps me gain a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences.

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I always follow a build-measure-learn feedback loop, it’s this fast cycle where I create something, see how it goes in the real world, measure what works and what doesn’t, and then learn from it to make things even better. So before going all out and investing time and resources to build an entire page, I had to study how users may interact with this feature. Instead of creating a whole page, I decided to add a section about it on our landing page. I kept it simple in the beginning, not throwing in every possible feature in the suggestion list. Just the essentials to figure out if it was on the right track.


I always follow a build-measure-learn feedback loop, it’s this fast cycle where I create something, see how it goes in the real world, measure what works and what doesn’t, and then learn from it to make things even better. So before going all out and investing time and resources to build an entire page, I had to study how users may interact with this feature. Instead of creating a whole page, I decided to add a section about it on our landing page. I kept it simple in the beginning, not throwing in every possible feature in the suggestion list. Just the essentials to figure out if it was on the right track.


I always follow a build-measure-learn feedback loop, it’s this fast cycle where I create something, see how it goes in the real world, measure what works and what doesn’t, and then learn from it to make things even better. So before going all out and investing time and resources to build an entire page, I had to study how users may interact with this feature. Instead of creating a whole page, I decided to add a section about it on our landing page. I kept it simple in the beginning, not throwing in every possible feature in the suggestion list. Just the essentials to figure out if it was on the right track.

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Results and Outcomes:

8x surge in user participation

This new launch led to 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints. New NFT launches on Stargaze now have a stage to create a buzz, not only on Twitter but on the website too. By shining a spotlight on new launches, we have successfully captured the attention of a considerably larger audience.

Establishing a dedicated stage has not only increased visibility for new NFTs but has also generated excitement within the community. Users are now more eager to explore and participate in these launches. We are also experiencing increased engagement on Twitter and Discord, with users sharing the cards on Twitter. (Note to self for the next cycle: improve the sharing feature.)

The increased participation is not only quantitative but also qualitative, with a wider range of creators gaining exposure. This inclusivity has fostered diversity in the types of NFTs available on our platform, enhancing the overall experience for our users. We are also witnessing a surge in the number of people interested in launching collections with us.

Results and Outcomes:

8x surge in user participation

This new launch led to 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints. New NFT launches on Stargaze now have a stage to create a buzz, not only on Twitter but on the website too. By shining a spotlight on new launches, we have successfully captured the attention of a considerably larger audience.

Establishing a dedicated stage has not only increased visibility for new NFTs but has also generated excitement within the community. Users are now more eager to explore and participate in these launches. We are also experiencing increased engagement on Twitter and Discord, with users sharing the cards on Twitter. (Note to self for the next cycle: improve the sharing feature.)

The increased participation is not only quantitative but also qualitative, with a wider range of creators gaining exposure. This inclusivity has fostered diversity in the types of NFTs available on our platform, enhancing the overall experience for our users. We are also witnessing a surge in the number of people interested in launching collections with us.

Results and Outcomes:

8x surge in user participation

This new launch led to 8x increase in users participating in newly launched NFT mints. New NFT launches on Stargaze now have a stage to create a buzz, not only on Twitter but on the website too. By shining a spotlight on new launches, we have successfully captured the attention of a considerably larger audience.

Establishing a dedicated stage has not only increased visibility for new NFTs but has also generated excitement within the community. Users are now more eager to explore and participate in these launches. We are also experiencing increased engagement on Twitter and Discord, with users sharing the cards on Twitter. (Note to self for the next cycle: improve the sharing feature.)

The increased participation is not only quantitative but also qualitative, with a wider range of creators gaining exposure. This inclusivity has fostered diversity in the types of NFTs available on our platform, enhancing the overall experience for our users. We are also witnessing a surge in the number of people interested in launching collections with us.

I’m Miyo — a product designer in Web3/Defi/Crypto

I’m Miyo — a product designer in Web3/Defi/Crypto

I’m Miyo — a product designer in Web3/Defi/Crypto